Thursday, October 14, 2010

Life in WV and a traffic jam

So I've spent the past ten years living in Northern Virginia and dealing with what is always in the top 10 traffic in the US. It's enough to make you go insane, but what I find most interesting about the commutes is that if you listen to the local radio stations, about 7 am they just stop reporting on the traffic. YEP it's a parking lot out there, you already know about it and we won't make you dwell on it.

But I have been out in WV for about two months now during the week for work. There are a lot of things that make it tough for me to get used to out here, the biggest of which is the lack of food with taste in it. However, the one thing that I love is that there is almost zero traffic getting too and from work. But this morning I was driving in to work at 6:40 am and someone calls up the radio and says "Has anyone called in about the slow down on Interstate "X" mile 131?" The announcer responds with "Well now they have."

I laughed pretty hard and wondered what it'd be like in Northern Virginia, North Jersey, LA, etc if someone called in everytim there was a slow down near an exit. The radio announcer would eventually repond with "Yes I get it, you're dead stopped in traffic. If you can hear this message and your car is moving, would you please call in and tell the other listeners where that small segment is, because everyone else is stopped."

Ahh the funny moments in life.

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