Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Toyota Trucks and Brave Marketing

So I'm driving down the road this morning and it occurs to me that on the back end of the truck are the initials TRD... and as I sound them out I hear "terd." Being that I am 10 years old I start to chuckle. Then it occurs to me that I wonder if the corporate people at Toyota just like taunting those at GM. I kind of wonder if at some point the CEO of GM and Toyota weren't sitting around a bar one night and the CEO of Toyota doesn't saying "I bet you $20 that we sell more light sized trucks then you guys at GM do next year"

GM CEO says "There's no way, we're American made, we'll always sell more trucks then you guys."

The Toyota guy says "Hell I'll give you one more advantage I'll put terd on the back of all the trucks just to give you an upper arm."

The two CEO's shake on it and here we have all these Toyota trucks on the road.

Cause seriously why is it almost the only thing in the Toyota Racing Development are their trucks. What like two cars? Seriously that has to be a big giant joke at taunting GM. There's Ford though sitting on the side lines saying "There's no way either of you are ever selling as many trucks as we do F150's so you guys just have fun with that."

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